Development cooperation
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At the beginning of this week - on 5 and 6 August - within the framework of the Latvian visit, a delegation of Ukrainian public administrations is taking part in a seminar at the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA).

Ukrainas delegācijas vizīte CFLA

On the first day of the seminar, CFCA specialists will introduce the guests to the Latvian practice in the field of EU Fund project monitoring, highlighting fraud prevention issues, while on the second day it is planned to visit several sites developed with EU Fund co-financing.

Ukrainas delegācijas vizīte CFLA

The visit of the Ukrainian delegation is organised in the framework of the Anti-Fraud Coordination Office (AFCOS) project "Support for strengthening the capacity of the Economic Security Office of Ukraine to protect the EU's financial interests". The project has received funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2023 under the development cooperation budget.

Ukrainas delegācijas vizīte CFLA


Date 5–6 August, 2024
TimeAll day
LocationCentrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra

CFLA uzņem Ukrainas delegāciju

Divas dienas, 5.-6.augustā, vizītē Latvijā viesosies Ukrainas valsts pārvaldes iestāžu delegācija, lai piedalītos seminārā Centrālajā…