Aim of the activity
To ensure the implementation of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) supervisory body's functions and the function of the Center of competence in accordance with appropriate laws and regulations.
Functions of the Agency
Agency has been appointed as the monitoring institution mentioned in the Public-Private Partnership Law and it fulfils the following functions of the supervisory institution:
- publishes the decisions on performance of PPP project's financial and economic calculations on its website;
- before implementation of each PPP project provides an opinion on the conditions included in its financial and economic calculations, risk allocation between the public partner and private partner and estimated contract value;
- provides an opinion on draft concession procedure regulation and concession agreement, amendments the reto, and amendments to the concession contract;
- monitors PPP projects evaluating report on PPP contract execution and providing opinions on it;
- submits to the Cabinet of Ministers a report on the execution of concluded PPP contract.
The CFCA also fulfils functions of the PPP competence centre.