
The information systems for the management of cohesion policy funds  e-cohesion are the framework for project applicants and beneficiaries of the European Union (EU) funds to make project applications and implementation documentation of EU funds available to the Central Financial and Contract Agency more easily and quickly.

E-cohesion – instructions on how to become a user, etc.

Customer service and counselling

The Agency's services, advice and additional customer information shall be provided by the Customer Service Centre in and during the working days of the regional department of the agency from 8.30 to 17.00 (in pre-holiday days until 16.00). 

Services provided

  • advice and answers on the possibilities for co-financing EU funds;
  • the possibility of submitting and receiving documents etc.;
  • support, assistance and advice in the use of projects for e-environment

Customer Care Center Information
E-cohesion Support Information

Advice on the feasibility and eligibility of EU funds and other financial instruments

Stakeholders are consulted on the conditions for the implementation of EU funds as well as other financial instrument projects, the possibilities for funding and the conditions for the execution of funding contracts. More about the service.

Provision of information and consultation on the public and private partnership matters

The CFLA shall provide information and advice to potential public and private partners as well as to any lead in public-private partnership matters. More about the service.