Development cooperation agency

A conference on "Strategic frameworks for the development of the civil service: experiences from Uzbekistan and EU countries" is held in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan. Latvia is also represented, sharing its expertise and experience.


"It is a great pleasure to know that Uzbekistan's leading institutions show great interest in learning from Latvia's experience and in planning, directing and developing the civil service in a purposeful way. Such conferences serve not only to improve bilateral relations between Uzbekistan and Latvia, but also to provide this Central Asian country with concrete examples that can be useful to it in its further work on the development of the basic structure of public administration," says Dana Heiberga, Director of the Development Cooperation Department of the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA).

The conference is attended by Reinis Trokša, Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ieva Lībķena, Deputy Director for Public Administration at the State Chancellery, and other representatives, as well as Ieva Jaunzeme, Latvian Development Cooperation Attaché, and Agita Kalviņa, Director of the School of Public Administration, who also act as moderators for the discussions. 


The conference discusses themes that could help to develop the modernisation of public administration in the Republic of Uzbekistan, building on Latvia's experience. One of the topics included in the conference is how to increase the attractiveness of the civil service in the national labour market, which is a topical issue in many parts of the world.

The conference is organised within the framework of the project "Support for Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of the Uzbek Public Administration" implemented by the CFLA and financially supported by the German Development Cooperation Organisation "GIZ".