Development cooperation
Uzbekistānas vizīte

From the 2nd till the 5th of September, CFCA is hosting a delegation from Uzbekistan for the event “Study visit for public administration employees of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the implementation of the project implemented by the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, funded by the German government (GIZ), "Good governance – Support to Capacity Building for the Public Administration of Uzbekistan"”. The delegation consists of Uzbek employees of the Agency for Strategic Reforms, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, as well as the Ministry of Digital Technologies, the Statistics agency, the Cadastre Agency, and the Ministry of Justice. Throughout 4 intensive workdays, representatives from Uzbek public administration institutions visit leading Latvian public administration institutions.

Apart from CFCA, the participants get the chance to visit The State Land Service of Latvia, as well as the Children Clinical University Hospital to expand their knowledge regarding Latvian public administration processes. On the first day the delegation visited the State Land Service of Latvia where the delegation was introduced to the principles of data management and data quality control by the Director General of The State Land Service of Latvia, as well as other crucial themes.

On the second day of the study visit, the representatives met the director of Central Financing and Contracting Agency Anita Krūmiņa, and Gatis Ozols who is the Deputy State Secretary on Digital Transformation Affairs, as well as Jānis Krakops, who is the Head of Data management Unit at the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development of Latvia. Together they discussed the data management legislature in Latvia and the EU. Afterward, representing the Ministry of Welfare, the deputy state secretary Elīna Celmiņa, together with Sanita Vasiļjeva, the director of social policy planning and development department, Evita Češka, the Head of statistics division, and Aija Ausekle, senior system analyst project lead for the State Social Insurance agency discussed the Ministry of Welfares experience with the principles of data management, highlighting the goals of data governance, and going in-depth regarding data management hierarchy.

Uzbekistānas vizīte

The third day was just as captivating with experts from the Central Bank of Latvia - Aiga Ose Head of Data and Statistics Department and Jolanta Minkevica Head of Data Governance Centre, Deputy Head of Data and Statistics Department discussing their experience with data management within their institution and its jurisdiction. The experts not only shared good practices, but also highlighted the challenges they face. Afterward, deputy director of Taxpayer Behavior and Forecasting department from the State Revenue service, Natālija Fiļipoviča approached topics regarding the use of data warehouses, as well as good practices of using and gathering large amounts of data. In the end of the third day, Kristaps Auders-Balodis Head of Program Management and Methodology Division of CFCA will introduce the participants to the investment project planning done by CFCA, the selection and control mechanism of this process.

Whereas on the fourth day, at the Children Clinical University Hospital they get the opportunity to expand their understanding of Latvian data use in clinical practice, for example, the patient flow, nursing staff planning, and analysis of healthcare work data together with Board member Iluta Riekstiņa, Head of financial planning and accounting department Agita Rengerte, clinical nurse Ieva Damberga, and Nursing director Linda Frīdenberga. As the Children Clinical University Hospital is the largest specialized multi-profile children's medical institution in Latvia, the participants will gain valuable insight in the healthcare industry of Latvia.

The study visit is organized within the framework of the CFCA project "Support to Capacity Building for the Public Administration of Uzbekistan". This project is made possible with the financial support of the German development cooperation organisation "GIZ".