Development cooperation
Seminārs Taškentā

Today, 11 September, a high-level seminar on strategic planning "Strategic planning in public administration: pathways to improved effectiveness" is taking place in Tashkent, followed by a workshop on "Strategic planning in public administration" from 12 to 13 September. Both events are organized in cooperation with the German development agency GIZ.

Experts from Latvia and Uzbekistan, further strengthening relations between the two countries, as well as speakers from Germany, are participating in the workshop. The seminar will be opened by Ieva Jaunzeme, Sector Attaché at the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA) and Abdulla Abdukadirov, First Deputy Director of the Uzbekistan Strategic Reform Agency, Reinis Trokša, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia, and Viktors Keslers, GIZ Programme Manager. The seminar includes two panel discussions: "Evidence-based policy making: data management for effective strategic planning", moderated by Aziza Umarova, Head of the Delivery Unit of the Strategic Reform Agency of Uzbekistan, with the participation of Latvian and Uzbek experts - Zorka Kordic, GIZ Strategic Planning Expert, Māra Sīmane, Consultant at the Latvian State Chancellery, and Kārlis Keters, Director of the Budget Policy Development Department of the Ministry of Finance. 

In the second part of the seminar, Bekzod Kurbanov, Team Leader of the Strategic Reform Agency of Uzbekistan, chairs a panel discussion on "The role of good sector strategies in medium-term programme budgeting", while representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Agricultural Resources of Uzbekistan discuss issues related to programme-based budgeting and agricultural sector strategies in medium-term programme budgeting.

On 12 September, the workshop "Strategic Planning in Public Administration" will start. Zorka Kordic GIZ Strategic Planning Expert, will lead a session on strategic policy planning, focusing on aspects such as situation analysis, problem identification, and action planning. This will be followed by group work where participants will have the opportunity to work together to develop their strategic planning skills. Afterwards, Kārlis Keters, Director of the Budget Policy Development Department of the Ministry of Finance, will lead a session on program budgeting and the Latvian experience, focusing on real-life examples and offering concrete solutions to the challenges. Māra Sīmane, Consultant at the Latvian State Chancellery, will continue the discussion on the basic principles of strategic planning. She will focus on their implementation in legislation and practice, as well as on topics such as coherent policy planning. In the final session of the workshop, Juris Stinka, who has a long experience in public administration at the Ministry of Economy as State Secretary, will talk about stakeholder analysis, with a focus on impact and external communication.


The seminar and workshop are organized by the CFCA in the framework of the project "Support for Strengthening the Administrative Capacity of the Uzbek Public Administration", which is implemented with the financial support of the German Development Cooperation Organisation GIZ.