Development cooperation
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Vizīte Uzbekistānā

Central Financial and Contract Agency (CFCA) as Latvian Development Cooperation Agency, together with other Latvian partners (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Administration School, Court Administration, Society for Openness – Delna, Riga Legal School), next year prepares to provide advice to help implement reforms for Uzbek authorities. capacity and anti-corruption measures.

Following last week's visit to Uzbekistan and bilateral discussions, the Latvian side will complement the offer for the transfer of its expertise. It is also intended to continue negotiations with potential German partners for the implementation of a joint project in Uzbekistan. Future expertise transfer activities in Uzbekistan could take place in an indicative manner in 2023.


Vizīte Uzbekistānā
Meeting with Uzbekistan's Prosecutor General's Office 24.11. The Prosecutor General's Office is very interested in cooperation with Latvia in the field of administrative reform and anticorruption, including the Prosecutor General's Office proposing to conclude a memorandum of understanding with Latvia on future cooperation.

An introductory seminar was organised in Tashkent for representatives of the Uzbek authorities on the reforms implemented in Latvia in the field of public administration development and combating corruption, including in the context of Latvia's accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004, as well as on the ongoing action in these areas. Representatives of Uzbek institutions expressed great interest in Latvia's experience and expressed hope that Latvia will be able to offer a more advanced training programme on these topics in the future:

  • capacity building to support public administration reform;
  • development and projects of strategic personnel;
  • the basis for a successful anti-corruption reform based on international standards – an example of Latvia;
  • the role of leadership in the field of anticorruption;
  • measurement of corruption: qualitative and quantitative basis for the anti-corruption reform;
  • use of data in anti-corruption work;
  • cooperation between non-governmental organisations and decision-makers at national and regional level;
  • management of conflict of interest;
  • raising an alarm;
  • digitisation of investigations and judicial proceedings is one of the tools for tackling corruption risks;
  • management of staff in the judicial system.


vizīte Uzbekistānā
Following the workshop Latvian partners met with representatives of the Uzbek Public Service Agency (PPA). The PAA also expressed great interest in the administrative reform and anti-corruption training programmes proposed by Latvia, and discussed jointly the scope and training formats of possible training topics.

At the end of the visit, , Latvian partners attended the formal acceptance of His Excellency Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia, Reinis Trokša, in honour of the 104th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia. 


vizīte Uzbekistānā
Visit in Latvian Embassy in Uzbekistan

For information:

From 22 to 24 November, the CFCA organised a visit to this Central Asian country, in cooperation with THE AUTHORITIES and the Latvian Embassy in Uzbekistan, as part of the grant project financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.