Development cooperation
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vizīte Uzbekistānā

While continuing to support the Uzbek State Administration in implementing administrative reforms, the CFCA organised a two-day seminar in Tashkent on human resources development and capacity building issues this week, in cooperation with the project partners, as well as with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Uzbekistan.

vizīte Uzbekistānā
Opening of the seminar in Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 23.05.2023.

During the Seminar, Latvian representatives shared experience with their Uzbek counterparts on the state administration reforms in Latvia, human resources development policy, current trends and future plans. State Administration School spokeswoman Inita Pauloviča gave an insight into public administration reform and modernization process. The head of the CFCA Human Resources Development Division, Sanita Maurīte-Šmite, shared practical examples of the experience of the CFCA 25 years, such as experience in the development of the agency's internal training and mentoring system, with methods for measuring and promoting job efficiency.

vizīte Uzbekistānā
Sanita Maurīte-Šmite, head of CFLA's Human Resources Development Department

In the closing part of the workshop, Justice Administration spokeswoman Anžela Smirnova presented his Uzbek colleagues with the digital solutions introduced in the Latvian judicial system in the field of judicial training and future development plans.

As part of the visit on 25 May, the CFCA, together with the project partners, attended meetings with a number of Uzbek authorities involved in the reform process, the Public Service Development Agency, the Public Administration Academy and the Strategic Reform Agency to discuss future cooperation activities s. For example, this year . in the second half of the year, training is planned in Latvia for representatives of the State Administration of Uzbekistan on digital solutions for the efficiency of State administration.


vizīte Uzbekistānā
25.05.2023. Latvijas delegācija tikās ar Uzbekistānas Stratēģisko reformu aģentūru, piedaloties arī Viņa Ekselencei Latvijas Republikas vēstniekam Uzbekistānā Reinim Trokšam

The visit to Tashkent was organised in the framework of the project “Aid to the public authorities of Uzbekistan to strengthen administrative capacity and prevent corruption” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.